2023 Tennis tournament

Pickleball Tournament

Following our successful Tennis tournament, we’ve added a Pickleball Tournament October 20, 2024 For more information and to register, please click “Pickle Ball” in Main menu at top of this page.

2024 Luau

Fantastic time at the 2024 Luau. Great crowd, good food, and so many talented Hula dancers.

2024 Scholarships

Recipients received their 2024 Scholarships

2024 Special Games

Club members and Key Club members volunteered at the 2024 “Kiwanis Special Games”, with participants from schools throughout 2 Kiwanis Districts.

Kiwanis Family House

Paula Kelly, the Executive Director of the Kiwanis Family House received a donation from our club. The Kiwanis Family House‘s mission is to support families in their healing by providing temporary, low-cost housing to families who have loved… Read More

Rise Against Hunger

Our club raised funds to provide over 5000 meals, and along with other service clubs packaged over 17,000 meals for Rise Against Hunger charity.
