
San Carlos Kiwanis Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization. EIN: 27-4543901   100% of all donations go towards charitable projects.  We are an all-volunteer club, with no salaries or administrative costs.

Your Contribution Matters

At San Carlos Kiwanis Foundation, we believe in the power of community and the difference we can make when we come together. Every project we undertake, every event we organize, and every life we touch is made possible through the generous support of people like you. Your donations fuel our mission to create positive change and provide vital services within our community.

How Your Donation Helps

Your contributions play a crucial role in the success of our various initiatives. Here’s how your donation can make an impact:

  • Community Service Projects: Help fund essential resources for our community improvement projects, such as public health drives, environmental clean-ups, and educational programs.
  • Support for the Underprivileged: Aid in providing necessary support to the less fortunate members of our community and beyond, including food drives, clothing donations, and shelter improvements.
  • Youth Development Programs: Sponsor events and workshops that empower the younger generation, such as leadership training, skills development, and educational support.
  • Emergency Response and Aid: Enable us to respond quickly and effectively to crises and emergencies, both locally and globally.
  • Scholarships: Through fundraising initiatives and generous donations, San Carlos Kiwanis, is able to offer several college scholarships to students at the local high schools. 

Donation Transparency

We value transparency and accountability. Every donation we receive is diligently recorded and allocated. We ensure that your contribution is used effectively and responsibly, and we regularly update our donors on how their support has made a difference.

Thank You for Your Generosity

Your generosity is the cornerstone of our efforts. Thank you for considering a donation to San Carlos Kiwanis Foundation. Together, we can continue to transform lives and build a brighter future for our community.


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